February 8, 2025

Tilt in Space Wheelchairs

If a person is confined to a wheelchair for extended periods of time, they can develop painful and even deadly pressure ulcers known as decubitus ulcers (or bedsores). Wheelchair-bound people who stay in one position for long periods of time are at high risk of skin breakdown. Reclining or tilting a wheelchair helps to shift the pressure from the bony prominences of the pelvis and buttocks to the back and legs, which in turn can prevent painful sores and increase comfort.

What is a tilt in space wheelchair?

Tilt in space wheelchairs are designed to provide a more comfortable seating position for users and their caregivers. They typically have more cushioning than standard wheelchairs, as well as a variety of options for positioning and seating support. This allows the wheelchair to be tailored to the user’s specific body type, posture and mobility needs.

Depending on the needs of the individual, a tilt in space wheelchair may be required for those with spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other conditions that cause paraplegia or hemiplegia. A tilt in space wheelchair can also be used for patients with lower-limb amputations who require frequent elevation to promote circulation and reduce pressure build up on the limb.

Most wheelchairs with a tilt in space function are prescriptive, meaning they can only be fitted for users after a full assessment and consultation. A wide range of seating and cushioning options are available, as well as a number of drive systems to suit different levels of movement. Powered tilt in space chairs have the ability to not only recline but elevate the legrests too, making them great for sleeping.

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