February 8, 2025

Fritz Ford’s Carbon 7 SE Monitor Speaker Review

Fritz ford, known for his roles in Damien: Omen II and Vacation was born November 12, 1927 and died August 25, 2006 in Amberley Village, Ohio. He was a professional stuntman who also doubled for Chuck Connors in the Rifleman series of television shows.

The Carbon 7 SE, like all of Fritz’s speakers, incorporates the Acoustic Reality series crossover; a phase coherent, first order design (as he proudly reminds potential customers) with no power-sucking capacitor in the tweeter lead. Another trademark design trait shared by the entire line is the use of high quality drivers from highly respected manufacturers such as ScanSpeak. The Carbon 7 SE employs a ScanSpeak 7″ carbon graphite fiber/paper pulp composite cone with a lighter, faster model of the mid/bass driver used in the original Carbon 7.

Fritz Ford: Electric Vehicles and More

No speaker (and no hifi component) will please everyone equally for reasons I won’t rehearse here, but the Carbon 7 SE is a very compelling performer with an extremely fast, ultra-resolving presentation that many listeners will find quite pleasing. If you are in the market for a monitor speaker, I would strongly recommend auditioning the Carbon 7 SE in your room, with your specific music. It will probably change the way you listen to your favorite music!

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